Linked Inclusion™ Is Diversity, Equity, Inclusion + Wellness

Linked Inclusion™  is resetting the narrative of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, adding Wellness ("DEI+W"), then, aggregating and re-tuning essential resources, content, events, seminars, roundtables, fireside chats, conferences, tools, training, service offerings, expertise, Peer-to-Peer Education, time, attention and support, and making them available to you right here--on a single platform.  

Linked Inclusion™ is a virtual, platform-based community of individuals facing common challenges of exclusion - Padraic McFreen, CEO, Linked Inclusion Corporation

Our vision: Linked Inclusion™ will be your choice for DEI+W™ research, content, events, seminars, trainings, services, support, safety, networking, corporate accountability, certifications and compliance, career development and employment opportunities, the practitioner marketplace and more.  

As a first-mover and in order for Linked Inclusion™ to realize this vision, a DEI+W™ Framework has been created: 

The Linked Inclusion™ Framework - Five Components

  • Amplify™. How are you? This is the most important question we can ask one another.  More importantly, to be seen, heard, listened to and feel safe and secure in our response is paramount.  Linked Inclusion™ services aggregate requisite tools, trainings, support and resources and makes them available to you on a single platform.  Amplify™ ensures your voice and contributions are amplified to levels essential for the successful participation in areas of interest--personally and professionally--most important to you. 

  • Fortify™. The DEI+W™  practitioner, either leading an independent practice, small to medium sized company or large corporation ERG, demand on time, attention and resources is at an all-time high.  Fortify™ places mission critical tools, trainings, peer-groups, certifications, venues for hosting trainings, courses, seminars, one-to-one sessions, one-to-many sessions and much more on a single platform.  

  • Diversify™. The concept of DEI began at the corporate level many decades ago.  Since that time, DEI has become a strategic imperative for the successful participation in the marketplace and sustained market appeal.  Current employees are now demanding more visibility and transparency into their employers' progress toward transforming their organization into a truly diverse operation.  New employees, considering employment offers, want to know "the score."  Are the programs window dressing or is diversity real and tangible within the operations of these companies?  Diversify™ services provide this highly competitive visibility from an objective trusted third-party source.  Diversify™ sets the standard. 

  • Healify™. The challenges of exclusion have a real and lasting impact on us physically, mentally and socially.  Healify™ services aggregate wellness, telehealth, telewellness, telephysical therapy, mind and body wellness and mental health and makes these essential services, practitioners, and sessions available on a single platform. 

  • Certify™. The best way to advance in solving for some of humanity's most important challenges is to ensure practitioners, small to medium sized companies and corporations are performing at the levels we require and the marketplace demands. Certify™ services collect, validate, certify and publish progress and scorecard data. For those companies and practitioners interested in participating, the Linked Inclusion™ logo will be featured on each respective Internet website. The Linked Inclusion™ logo will be linked to their respective Linked Inclusion™ certification and performance scorecard. More details to come.

The New Linked Inclusion™ Logo. Linked Inclusion™ is adopting the Sunflower as its official logo and mascot. In the coming weeks, Linked Inclusion™ will exit its "beta phase" with its new website, app, platform features, logo and many of the services mentioned herein above. Most important to us, the Linked Inclusion™ Sunflower.

The Sunflower belongs to the most diverse family of flowers.

The Sunflower represents everything Linked Inclusion™ stands for during this time of social change and transformation.  We invite you to research the Sunflower.  In short, one sunflower is a flower of thousands of flowers in its center.  Imagine, when looking across of field of say 1,000 sunflowers, what you likely cannot see is in the very center of every Sunflower is a community of thousands of smaller flowers.  This is significant.  

The beauty, each sunflower--representing a community of thousands--stands peacefully next to another Sunflower...and another...and another...and another.  Unless picked to enhance an assorted bouquet, you'll rarely see a lone Sunflower in a field. 

At your convenience, take a closer look at sunflowers.  

How to use Linked Inclusion™.  As introduced herein above, Linked Inclusion™ is a platform with many services as well as a website.  Since we're exiting our "beta phase" within the next few weeks, now is the best time to communicate your specific needs to your Linked Inclusion™ team.  

You are invited to send your specific requests for services, access and functionality to:

Use Linked Inclusion Inclusion™ to continue the conversation.  Shift your presence from non-targeted platforms to Linked Inclusion™.  Share your articles, postings, videos, trainings, conversations and events to the members, sponsors and corporate citizens right here.  Build out your profile page.  Add your picture. 

Link your social media accounts to your profile page.  Join a group.  Start a group. Schedule an event.  Attend an event.  Still looking for a home for your group, you've found it.  Still looking for a solution for your company, you've found it.  

A better question, how can't you use Linked Inclusion™?   

Linked Inclusion™ is presently interviewing practitioners for Linked Inclusion™ sponsored writings, podcasts, posts, storytelling, fireside chats and roundtable hosts.  

If you're interested, please send an email with your CV to  In the subject line, please indicate your areas of interest as well as your availability.

DEI+W is a Contact Sport! Get out of your comfort zone and into your Courage Zone™.  At Linked Inclusion™ everyone is expected to contribute.  If you're reading this, then, you're one of the first 1,000.  Being a part of the "first 1,000" is significant.  It means you're as passionate about DEI+W™ as we are.  It also means you have something to say.  Say it!  Post it! Share it!  


More tools and resources are coming; however, in the meantime, you've got what you need to expand your reach.  The strength of Linked Inclusion™ is you.  Yes, the corporations and associations are coming and yes, they'll be interested in learning more about you, your story and how they can better support you.

We're going to change the narrative; however, we're not going to do it alone.  If we did, then, it's not change at all. 

Challenge:  Invite three non-members to attend the upcoming Active Asian Allyship roundtable, July 8.  We've set a goal of 100 attendees--though we've prepared for way more.  

What's Next?

Lets go get it!

Elise Barnes