Endemic Gender Violence: A Call to Awaken Allyship
Every other day we wake up to a new hideous and unfathomable story of gender violence--countless women who begin their stories differently by who painfully share similar endings — women and children who have had their lives abruptly stolen, bodies abused and tortured, dreams crushed, hopes devoured and loved ones left inconsolably shattered, futilely fighting for justice.
But the question remains — how many more victims need to be killed or scarred for life before we finally take responsibility and accountability for our contributions to this society, culture and system — a society and culture with flawed norms that we have nurtured and upheld, and a system which we have failed to question and hold accountable.
Every institution is defined by the people that run it, and every culture is shaped by the behaviors of the people that live within it. Unfortunately, a large majority of institutions are flawed, biased and failing women. Similarly, many societal cultures worldwide are deeply entrenched in patriarchal norms; women continue to face discrimination and gender-based penalties, fight to control their own bodies and wardrobe, and struggle to end their victimization through rape, domestic violence, acid attacks and trafficking.
However, it is equally important to recognize that we are all part of that same system and culture, so the greatest power to transform these bigger systems lies within all of us.
Personal responsibility starts with disputing the status quo and questioning harmful practices. It starts with challenging seemingly harmless and innocuous sexist banter and memes--as well as questioning practices that sexualize and objectify women. It starts with being mindful of how you refer to women in your everyday conversations — conversations that play into a larger narrative where it's okay to progress from words to deeds.
It starts with recognizing how women are trivialized, often forced to accept less than their worth and due share. And finally, it starts with defying the misleading narrative that it is a woman's responsibility to keep herself safe from men — that she must alter her behavior to exist in a world where gender violence is normalized and thus inevitable.
If you're a man reading this, we implore you to join us, because if no now, then, when? If not you, then who else? It shouldn't be me versus you; we all need to work together to end the gender violence pandemic.
It's time to come together and protect our upcoming generations. It's time to do our part and push for collective change so that when your daughters and granddaughters ask how you helped make a difference, you can proudly say: "I gave you a safe, empowered and inclusive future..."