Black History Month
Black History Month starts tomorrow!
Get ready to see your companies and social feeds flooded with images and stories celebrating Black excellence. Here at Linked Inclusion™, we’re excited because it’s our very first time celebrating this important heritage month.
This year’s BHM theme is “Black Health and Wellness,” a topic near and dear to Linked Inclusion, as we focus on DEI+Wellness all year-round. Look out for some information and education around Black people’s contribution to, and relationship with, the health and wellness industry.
We’ve lined up some other interesting programming for you, including:
Black History Month Musings. In this editorial series, writers from the diaspora ponder the history and future of the black experience.
Black History In The Making. Our special interview series features change-makers who embody the spirit of #BlackExcellence.
That’s Our Black Business, a feature (clearly) on Black-owned enterprises large and small.
We will also highlight and recommend events and programming for you to participate in throughout the month, such as the Get It How You Live It webinar, designed specifically to help Black speakers build authentic personal brands.
We’re also putting #AmplifyBlackVoices into action! For those of you who are still looking for Black speakers and panelists, make sure to check out the Black Speakers Collection, founded by Madison Butler.
The Black Speakers Collection features more than 1400 speakers with expertise not only in Black History and DEI, but also in every topic under the sun. (Hint: make sure to hire and pay them both during and after Black History Month.)
That’s it for now. The celebrations begin tomorrow. Looking forward to honoring Black History and achievement with you this month, and all year round.